#23. Written
by Caroline A. Sandifer, three months before her death on December 22,
1856. Her husband, James C. Sandifer, died May 20, 1857. Contributed by Royce Sandefer. Thanks Royce! |
Copiah Co. Mississippi September 27th 1856 Dear Nece I have taken my seat this evening to answer your kind letter. it found us all in low spirits though it aroused us. I have come to the conclusion that you cared nothing for me unless you have wrote. I have found that you have not forgotten us it pleases me to get a letter from a friend or relation if it be the hour of midnight. i would get up and read it for i love my relations o Caroline if I could see you all once more I would be glad I did. I did have a hope of it once when your uncle talk of selling out but now he says that land is to high in Texas for him he is not able to by enough to do him he has taken a notion to go to arkansas union County we will start about the midle of december if my health will admit I have for the last three years bin so that i have not done my sewing. i am better now than I have been in along time but yet have Spells of fluttering at my heart that does not look like when I am taken that ther is no hope of my ever getting up any more for some time. I have no pults we have had some Chill and fever in our family this month and your uncle Williams family have had the fever and an great many others. no deaths in the neighbor hood laterly people are making generly very good corn & coten is not very good. the worms injured it some the drouth here has been. Coten solde this week in Jackson for eleven cents. our association comes on now in aboute three wikes from now and we are looking a little for aunt elizabeth and uncle William from pike Co. and mr pitman and family, john pitman has been staying with us all year going to school with my little boys Napoleon and george they have a spendid teacher he has taught for two years. youre uncle says if we get of before your pa gets here he will leave what he is owing him with William Sandifer. I forgot to tell you about my sweet little elizabeth. She will be two years old the last days of November. She can say anything that we tell her. this is an ugly wrote letter you must excuse it and remain your aunt until death. Caroline A. Sandifer Hopewell Miss. |
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