Quarterlies, Books & Newspaper Articles
Missouri Genealogical Records & Abstracts, Vol. 1, 4, 5, by Sherida K.
Eddlemon; pub. Heritage Books, 1990
Vol. I
p. 175: Franklin
Co.Missouri Intelligencer Letters at the Post Office, April 1, 1823, Vo. 4, p. 35: Ann
p. 124: Platte
Co., Missouri Personal Property List, 1839: Jeremiah Stanford
p. 174: Cape
Girardeau, Missouri Tax List, 1822: Ruth Sullinger, Adm. of James Stanford.
Vol. 4
p. 167: 1807
Census: (No County listed) Robert Standelford, Warrell Standeford
p. 204: St. Louis
County: 1826 Tax List: F. A. Sanford
p. 197: Cape
Girardeau Co., Missouri 1829 Tax List: Present Claimant Henry Sanford (63
& 132 acres); Henry Sanford & William Garner, 320 acres
Vol. 5
p. 170: Henry
B. Sanford (Lincoln Co. Public Monies received from Nov. 2, 1829 to Nov. 1, 1830,
Capitol Fire Documents, CFD 28, Folder 914. (Received November 17, 1829)
p. 173: John
D. Sanford - Rolls Co., Missouri Public Monies received from Jan. 1, 1831 to
October 19, 1831, CFD 28, Folder 949. John D. Standford, Deed of
Conveyance, February 28, 1831.
History of Moniteau
County, Missouri, p. 331 (Goodspeed)
p. 331: First Road
Districts, 1845, May. No. 4-Jesse H. Standifer, appointed overseer
of Road District No. 4
Early Missouri
Ancestors, by Stanley, Wilson & Wilson; Vol. 1
1808-1822: From The Enquirer, St. Louis: Skelton Staniford appraised
a stray taken up by James Dorill, signed by his mark on December 9, 1820.
From Gone to
Missouri by Marilyn Moore, Pub. InfoTech, 1991
T. Standifer
from Lee Co., Virginia to Linn Co., MO in the year 1851. (MM-11)
History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties - Missouri, pub. 1888
p. 380
[DeKalb Co., MO]: Baptist Church....About the year 1865 or 1867 Rev. Joseph
Yates, a minister of good natural ability and fair oratorical powers, became the
pastor. Seeing the condition into which the affairs of the church had
gotten, he at once went to work to effect a reorganization which was ultimately
accomplished with the following members: William Banta and wife, Mrs. Justus, W.
H. Standiford and wife, all of whom had belonged to the original
p. 453 [DeKalb Co., MO]: Thomas L. King, in 1857, erected a steam saw mill in
the southern part of the town, to which he subsequently attached machinery for
grinding grain. It was afterward purchased by Messrs. Thompson &
Standiford, who, about the year 1870, remodeled the structure, and converted
it into a flouring-mill with machinery attached for carding, spinning and
otherwise working up wool. It was in successful operation for a number of
years, and as both woolen and flouring-mill proved very remunerative to the
proprietors. Walter Thompson was the last owner.
p. 379 [DeKalb Co., MO.]: Methodist Episcopal Church South....Since 1867 the
following pastors have ministered to the society at regular intervals: Revs.
Jesse Bird, Joseph Metcalf, Charles Standford, John Dusky, D. B. Bone, W.
G. Keener, G. Tanquary, C. J. Vandeventer, B. C. Howell and W. A. Hanna.
The society has enjoyed a fair degree of prosperity, and, with an active
membership, bids fair to accomplish much good in the future.
From: Marion Daily Star (OHIO)
February 4, 1881
A Recent letter to the Leavenworth (Kansas) Times says: "The readers of the Times will remember that during the Platte City fair last fall the details of a terrible stabbing affray were published. The substance of the report was that Clay Snell, a young man of good family, had stabbed a young man named Nathan Andrews. As the prisoner is in jail awaiting trial little can be said about the merits or demerits of the case. There is one fact, however, that is too terrible to be suppressed, and that is the death of the entire family of the Snells. Shortly after the murder, Mrs. Lucy Ann Standiford, mother of Clay Snell, became excited over the murder and grew ill. Within a short time she died. Then Robert Snell became ill, from what is supposed to be the same cause, and after a lingering sickness, during which time he talked constantly of the family trouble, he passed away, soon followed by his little little six-months old baby. John Snell, another brother, succumbed to the strain of family excitement, and after a short illness died. Within the last three days a telegram was received in this city by Mr. Shackleford announcing the death of Miss Nettie Snell, the last but one of one blood. It was ascertained yesterday afternoon that a little seven-year-old half brother of Clay Snell, Thomas Standiford, is not expected to live. Clay Snell, who is the only survivor of this unfortunate family, is now in jail at Platte City awaiting trial for the murder of Andrews. He takes the death of the various members of his family much to heart. When his mother was buried it is said that he begged permission to attend the funeral, saying, "Send a hundred men to guard me; cover me with chains, double locked, but for God's sake let me see the last of my poor old mother!" He was not permitted to go.