Ann Arundel County, Maryland
* Note: The Gregorian Calendar was not adopted until after September 14, 1752.
(Early Wills mentioning our surnames are listed here also).
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B.
Henry; Vol. IV Wills from 1713-1720;
127 Abraham Fisher, Ann Arundel Co.; Written December 27, 1717; Prob. January 21, 1717.
To Joseph Whips Standforth and to Elizabeth Standforth, the son and daughter of John Standforth, personalty. John Standforth exe. And residuary legatee. Test: Henry Hall, Isaac Nicholan, Philothea Standforth (14, 466)
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B.
Henry; Vol. V Wills from 1720-1726;
195: Morgan Jones, Carpenter, of Herring CK, Ann Arundel Co., February 18, 1717:
To son William, 50 A_____northern half of tract which belonged to Jenerate Sulivann, divided from the bay to head. To son Morgan, the southern part of afsd land. To daus. Jane and Blanch, personalty Son Morgan exe. And residuary legatee. Deposition of William Jones, described as the eldest son of testator, age about 23.***Desposition of John Standforth, age abt 52 years. 8th December 1718. (15, 40) *Contributed by Michele McCaffrey
Jno Standforth, AA County, presented Deed of Gift and marke of cattle and hogs taken by Wm. Taylor, late Clk., and requests on behalf of the children it be rerecorded. Phyothia Standforth, daughter of Jno Standforth of Herring Creek, hath a cow called Guift, a gift of Jno Whippes, SR, her grandfather with his mark. Also has gift of cow with same mark from John Atwood of Herring Creek. (Recorded 10 Nov 1707. Liber W; folio 113)
p. 28: John Standforth requested that the pertinent information of a deed from Thomas Ford, AA Co., planter to John Farr, AA Co., planter be rerecorded in November, 1677.
From Abstracts of the
Inventories of the Prerogative Court of Maryland by V. L. Skinner, Jr.
p. 74: John Standforth witnessed
the Will of Garrard Hopkins, October 12, 1691
*Contributed by Michele McCaffrey
p. 75: John Standforth
presented Sureties for the estate of Joseph Naylor, 1692.
p. 23: John Standforth
received a payment from the estate of Thomas Drifield, May 18, 1695.
p. 2: John Stanford
was listed as owing a debt to the estate of Richard Hadock, June 18, 1698.
From Maryland Deponents,
1634-1799 by Henry C. Peden, JR.
p. 177: John
Standforth of Anne Arundel County, aet. 52 in 1718. Wills, xv, 42.
From Maryland Account Books,
by Burns:
p. 202. The additional account of
Jno. Standforth, executor of Abraham Fisher,
late of Anne Arundel Co., dec'd January 12, 1719.
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