Old Letters
two old letters were generously submitted by Dianna Williams of the Wayne
Co., IL GenWeb Site,
with the permission of contributor, Tom
Tom would like to hear from anyone connected to thee families.
Thank you!
#1.This letter is written from Lizzie Paul, who
lived in the Mt. Erie area, to her grandmother Rebecca Cracraft-Adamson
who lived in Knights Prairie Township in Hamilton County.
She was the daughter of Marial Adamson-Paul and Will Paul.
January the 10 1882 My Dear grandma i take my pen in hand to rite you a few lines to let
you no that we From #2. This letter is written by Marial Adamson-Paul to her step-mother Rebecca Cracraft-Adamson, who lived west of McLeansboro in Hamilton County. Marial was born March 7, 1843 in Mason County, Kentucky, the daughter of John Harrison Adamson and Elizabeth Tuel. After her mother died, her father married Rebecca Cracraft, and moved to Hamilton County, Illinois. Marial and her husband, William "Will" Paul came with them. Soon, the Pauls moved to Wayne County. They had eight children: James, Thomas, Brittomosette "Brittie", Lizzie, Robert, Levino Rebecca, George, and Maudie. Marial died November 23, 1881, and it is assumed she is buried there. An unverified report says her father was also buried in Wayne County. He died November 8, 1874. Mt Erie Jan the 28 1880 Dear Mother and family and friends where are you or what is the mater are you all dead or mad or what is the mater that you never rite i think there is someting the mater and i want to no rite quick what it is i sent you a card six weekago or more and got no ans yet i no you aint any harder up than we are well this leaves us all tolerable well Wills back is hurting him awful bad and so is mine besides ive had the headache today for want of a cup of coffee this morning but hope my letter will find you all well and doing well Jimie is working for Wm Allcorn for ten dollars for one month Will made four hundred rails for Monroe Haze aint that lots Al is here at work for Haze too i was at Mr Statons visiting yesterday went on the little sled as usual i cant walk yet but can nearly stand alone i guess i aint going to crawl this time i walked across the floor Sunday by Will holding me up but i tell you Mother i make my old chair walk and when i get mad i make the childrenwalk all but Georgie and he talks me out of it Al has come home tonite but Jimie aint Magie Britz cut six lbs of carpet rags for Mrs Staton and got her a nice picture Noahs Ark Steve Al wants to no if you ever pull any straw now adays he says he was on a bender newyears eave but dident pull any straw and Will says if you will come to see him and come through bellcity and bring him a pint it will cure him Mollie have you got a place yet i heard you was going back to Clements Mollie Wallace Vangilders little baby got burned to death so the paper stated Otta turned the cradle over against the heating stove while they were out I got a letter from Cloellen and nan and ana wants you and Mother to rite to her Wood Al says he had his fortune told but it wasent as good as yours give my love to Johns and tell them all to rite i no if you new how lonsome i am setting here day in and day out you certainly would rite now all of you rite me a hole armful of letters and see how tickled i will be Mother i have peaced two quilts Since i had nothing else to do and now im niting ravelings we have butchered five hogs and feeding three more till march Magie if you and Nanie comes back here anymore you wont get back the boys was badly smiten Steve we have looked for you and Wood so hard do come and See me for you are the only brothers ive got George has never been a near all come and if you cant com you can rite we all send our love to you all and to Bud and Molie and all rite to Marial Paul i lact to forgot Charley and Pearley kiss them and Send them to school my poor children cant get to go |
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to Hamilton County
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Midi: "Distant Shore" by Bruce de Boer