Old Diseases Defined 

This is a list of old diseases and their definitions
that may be helpful to you in your research.

Acute Mania Severe insanity
Addison's Disease


Marked by weakness, loss of weight, low blood pressure, gastrointestinal disturbances and brownish pigmentation of the skin.
Recurring fever & chills of malarial infection.  Also known as "Chill fever", "the Shakes".
American Plague Yellow fever
Aphonia Laryngitis
Apthae Thrush
Apoplexy Paralysis due to stroke
Atrophy Wasting away or diminishing in size
Bad Blood Syphilis
Bilious Fever
A term applied to certain intestinal and malarial fevers. (Typhoid, malaria, hepatitis for elevated temperature)
Biliousnes Jaundice or other symptoms of liver disease
Black Fever
Acute infection with high temperature and dark red skin lesions and high mortailty rate.
Blak plague Bubonic plague
Black pox Black Small pox
Blood Poisoning Bacterial infection; Septicemia
Bloody flux Bloody stools
Bloody sweat Sweating sickness
Brain fever Meningitis or typhus
Bright's disease kidney disease
Camp Fever Typhus
Cancer A malignant and invasive growth or tumor.
Canine Madness Hydrophobia
Carditis Inflammation of the heart wall
Catalepsy Seizures/trances
Cerebritis Inflammation of cerebrum or lead poisoning
Child bed fever Infection following birth of a child
Chin cough Whooping cough
Cholera Acute sever contagious diarrhea with intestinal lining sloughing.
Cold plague Ague
Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen or bowels.  Can occur from disease in the kidney.

An excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part or blood vessel.  In congestive fever the internal organs become gorged with blood.
Severe contortion of the body cause by violent, involuntary muscular contractions of the extremities, trunk and head.
Congestive chills Malaria with diarrhea
Congestive fever Malaria
Corruption Infection
Crop sickness Overextended stomach
Spasmodic laryngitis, marked by episodes of difficult breathing and hoarse metallic cough.
Cyanosis Dark skin color from lack of oxygen in blood.
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
Day fever fever lasting one day
Domestic illness
Mental breakdown, depression, Alzheimers, Parkinsons or the after effects of a stroke.
Swelling with the presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid, often caused by kidney or heart disease.
Dropsy of the brain Encephalitis
Dry bellyache Lead poisoning
Dysentery Inflammation of the colon.
Eclampsia A form of toxins in the blood accompanying pregnancy.
Edema Swelling of tissues
Edema of lungs Congestive heart failure, a form of dropsy
Emphysema A chronic irreversible disease of the lungs
Encephalitis Swelling of brain; "sleeping sickness"
Epilepsy A disorder of the nervous system
Falling Sickness Epilepsy
Fatty Liver Cirrhosis of liver
Fits Sudden attack or seizures
Flux Dysentery.
French Pox Venereal disease.  Syphilis
Gangrene Death or decay of tissue in a part of the body---usually a limb.
Any inflammation caused by the formation of crystals of oxalic acid accumulating in the body.
Great pox Syphilis
Green fever Anemia
Heart Sickness Caused by loss of salt from the body.
Heat stroke
Body temperature rises and body does not perspire to reduce temperature.

A skin eruption of smooth, slightly elevated areas on the skin which is redder or paler than the surrounding skin.  A common cause of death of children three years and under.
Hydrocephalus Enlarged head, water on the brain.  Dropsy.
Impetigo Contagious skin disease characterized by pustules
Infantile paralysis Polio
Redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat and disturbed function of an area of the body.
Intestinal colic Abdominal pain due to improper diet.
Yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes and mucous membranes, due to an increase of bile pigments in the blood.
Kruchhusten Whooping cough
Tetanus, a disease in which the jaws become firmly locked together.  Untreated, it is fatal in 8 days.
Long sickness Tuberculosis
Lung fever Pneumonia
Lung Sickness Tuberculosis
Mania insanity
Membranous Croup Diphtheria

Inflammation of the meninges characterized by high fever, severe headache, and stiff neck or back muscles.  Known as "brain fever".
Milk Fever Disease from drinking contaminated milk.
Milk Leg

A painful swelling of the leg beginning at the ankle and ascending, or at the groin and extending down the thigh.  It is usual cause is infection after labor.
Milk Sick
Poising resulting from the drinking of milk produced by a cow who had eaten a plant known as white snake root. 
Neurasthenia Neurotic condition
Palsy Paralysis or uncontrolled movement of controlled muscles.
Pericariditis Inflammation of the heart.
Phthiriasis Lice infestation
Phthisis Consumption.---Chronic wasting away.
Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura, the lining of the chest cavity.
Pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs
Rheumatism Any disorder associated with pain in the joints
Rickets Disease of skeletal system.
Scarlet fever Disease characterized by red rash.
Scurvy Lack of Vitamin C.
Septic Infected.
Shakes Delirium tremors
Shaking Chills, ague
Ship's fever Typhus
Small pox Contagious disease with fever and blisters.
Often reported as a cause of death in infants. Symptoms were restlessness, convulsions, diarrhea and painful and swollen gums.
An infectious, often-fatal disease caused by a specific bacterium that enters the body through wounds.
Thrombosis Blood clot inside a blood vessel.
A disease characterized by whitish spots and ulcers on the membranes of the mouth and tongue cause by a parasitic fungus.
Toxemia of pregnancy Eclampsia
Typhoid Fever

An infectious, often-fatal disease, usually occurring in the summer months--characterized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration.
Water on brain Enlarged head
White swelling Tuberculosis of the bone
Winter fever Pneumonia
Womb fever Infection of the uterus.
Worm fit
Convulsions associated with teething, worms, elevated temperature or diarrhea.
Yellow jacket Yellow fever

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