Mariah Campbell Gill Wheeler
by Mary Lou Jacobson
The McLeansboro Times, 07 March 1890, p. 1 Obituary
Wheeler, nee Campbell, was born in Williamson County,
Tenn., on Aug. 10th, 1800, and died Feb. 27th, 1890,
aged 89 years, 6 months, and 17 days.
Her life covered a great deal of the nations history and her
recollection of incidents was wonderfully acute and accurate to the last.
Among the first was the great earthquake which occurred before the
War of 1812, and which like so man omens did not fail to result in
religious awakenings, where both saint and sinner rushed to the Church to
make preparation for the final wind-up which they deemed the inevitable.
After the Battle of New Orleans sister Wheeler saw General Jackson
returning army with that noted personage at the head of the columns.
When Jackson became president and the Indian troubles came up she
had one son1 to offer his services and risk his life in the
Black Hawk War.
James K. Polk was one of her neighbors and after his election to
the presidency of the United States her father-in-law was honored by a
visit from the President and his wife.
Aunt Mariah was a Christian. She
professed saving faith in God and joined the Methodist Church in 1819 or
35 years after its first annual conference in the United Stat4es.
On her removal from Tennessee to Illinois she brought her church
letter and soon afterward joined the Concord Class in which she has been a
consistent member for over a half a century.
Her last illness was brief, yet she expressed her willingness to
die in saying she was only waiting the Lord to come and take her to rest.
Aunt Mariah leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn her
loss, but their loss is heavens gain.
May we all live so as to meet the redeemed in heaven, where parting
is not known and pains are a stranger.
E. M. B.2
Census Schedule, Hamilton County, Ill., 1830, p. 246: Joseph Gill: males:
2 under 5, 2 between 304-; females: 1 from 5 10; 1 from 3040. Joseph
Gill died 02 Oct 1834 in Hamilton County, Ill.
Probate box 1, File 15. Mariah
Gill, adm., bond filled by John Campbell and Daniel Morris.
(John was her brother and Daniel the husband of her sister,
Elizabeth.) |