William Thomas Gibbs
Pub. Times, July 15, 1926 William
Thomas Gibbs
was born September 21, 1857, in Hamilton County, Illinois, where he
lived at the time of his death, spending all his life on the farm except
a few months he lived in Broughton, Illinois.
He passed from labor to reward July 9, 1926, age 68 years, 9
months and 18 days. He
was married to Kate Miller September 3, 1885.
This union was blessed with seven children, Harvey and Clarence
of Canada, Mrs. Anna Brummet of near McLeansboro, Mrs. Ida Carlton of
Ramsey, Illinois, Mrs. Olga Brummet of Dequoin, Illinois, John and
Hurbert of near McLeansboro. He
professed faith in Christ when about thirty-eight years of age, later
uniting with the Union Baptist Church of which he remained a faithful
member until his death. He
had been in failing health for the past five years, but bore his
suffering with great patience, expressing himself that the Lord knew
best and that he was ready to go. Besides the children and heartbroken companion, he leaves eleven grandchildren, two brothers, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure.
to Hamilton County
to Obituaries
to Union Cemetery