Arthur C. Bond
*Contributed by Gail Hahn Hutchcraft. Thanks, Gail!
From: Unknown Newspaper ARTHUR C. BOND
Arthur C. Bond, son of John and Edith Davis Bond, was born near Aden, Ill. in Hamilton County, August 16, 1892. Departed this life at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., June 25, 1954, at the age of 61 years, 10 mos. and 9 days. He was united in marriage to Eliza Wageneck, June 15, 1912. To this union three children were born: Mrs. Lucille Myers of Peoria, Cecil Bond of East Peoria; and Ernie Bond of McLeansboro. Brother Bond professed faith in Christ 39 years ago in November. He was a member of Aden General Baptist Church, later he moved his membership to the McLeansboro General Baptist Church where he was a faithful member until his death. Bro. Bond lived an exemplary Christian life. He was faithful to the church and did must in helping to establish the McLeansboro General Baptist Church. He was a good husband and father, a good neighbor and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. Besides his wife and children who survived him in death, he leaves to mourn their loss seven grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Ella Hutchcraft of Gibson City, Mrs. Agnes Schriefer of Gilman; one brother, Carl Bond of McLeansboro. He father and mother and one brother, Bill Bond, preceded him in death. |