Anderson Calvin Tedford
From: The Times; May 10, 1927
Anderson Calvin Tedford, son of George and Mary Tedford, was born in Hamilton County, April 20th, 1857. He died March 3, 1927, aged 69 years, 10 months and 3 days.
Mr. Tedford's youth was spent on his father's farm, just west of Blooming Grove Church, here he grew to manhood. in February 1878, he professed a hope in Jesus and united with the Blooming Grove Church, and he with 30 others were baptized forty-nine years ago, March 3.
On November 6, 1881, he was united in marriage to Aletha Hayter. To this union was born 7 children, one of whom, Frank, died several years ago. The other six are living: Earnest Tedford, Bertha Parkhurst, Gertrude Martin, Olive Hungate, Stella Suttle of Tampa, Fla., and John A. Tedford, of Santa Rosa Cal. His first wife died January 1908. A few years later he married Grace Anderson; she passed away two years after their marriage. He was again married to Alice Latham on March 4th, 1925.
His companion was devoted and to the last cared for her husband, sparing not herself that he might receive the best care. For four months she cared for him, leaving the room but once in that time.
About 1907, he moved to McLeansboro and entered into the feed business. He has lived in the city since and has been an honored citizen of our community. He united with the First Baptist Church, where in a little while, he was honored by his election as Deacon, and he has served the church as an honored member of the board of deacons and has been held in high esteem by all members of the church.
No man has ever had a more devoted wife than his present wife. She has done all she could to relieve his suffering. The good wife together with the children has done all that mortal hands could do to make his last days as pleasant and sweet as possible.
He leaves besides his wife and children, six grandchildren, 3 nieces and 2 nephews, besides a host of friends and relatives who will greatly miss him in the walk of life. Our loss is his gain. We may say of him, absent but not forgotten.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church, Thursday, March 3, 1927, conducted by Rev. John B. Maulding. Interment was in the cemetery at Blooming Grove.
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