father's mother's family, moved to Stone Rive, Rutherford County,
Tennessee, where a battle was fought during the Civil War. Thence
in 1816
they treked to Flannigan township, near McLeansboro.
father, Charles H. Heard had two brothers, John and James and one
Elizabeth. John married Mahuldah Crouch, and one daughter, Mrs.
Garner, aged 92, survives in San Bernadino, Calif., and another
Mrs. Mary, widow of Nicholas Gullic, and children lived in McLeansboro.
Judge Phil Swing, M. C. of California, married Nellie Cremeens Eckley of
McLeansboro. James married Irena Bozeman of Carmi, and one
daughter, Mrs.
Elmira Frazier, aged 91 and her three grandchildren live in Bozeman,
H. married Isabelle, daughter of Daniel and Sophia Walker Marshall,
and had four sons and one daughter. Samuel, George and Emory died
soon after leaving McKendree College and Indiana University. Mary
married J.
J. son of Major Daniel Powell. Silas W. married Annie, daughter of
John T. Harris of Harrisonburg, Virginia and have two daughters and one
Isabelle Marshall married Charles P. Bland of St. Louis, and their three
young daughters are Isabelle Heard, Harriet Claibourne and Catherine
Marshall. Virginia Harris married C. B. Gist of West Virginia, and
they have
one daughter, Virginia Anne, John T. Harris, single, lives in New York
Heard married Anderson Gowdy and had one daughter, Caroline, who
married Chester Carpenter, Jr., a brilliant lawyer. They had two
Amy and Ida. Amy married Leonidas Walker from Butler, Pa., of the
law firm
of Townsend & Walker. They had two sons and three daughters,
Sam, Chester,
Allie, Pauline, Carrie and Lea. Mrs. Walker and two daughters,
Mrs. Pauline
Wallen and Lea, reside in McLeansboro. Allie, the eldest daughter,
Duncan Barter. Chester married Leila, daughter of John H. and
Alice Randall
Wilson, and they live in Savannah, Ga. Sam married and resides in
Carrie married Clarence Saunders, the famous originator of the Piggly
Stores. They live in the South. Ida married Phil Rearden,
civil engineer,
of Shawneetown, and their son Merritt, married a Spanish girl in Mexico
lives there. Mrs. Rearden was married the second time to Myron
Civil engineer, of Ohio. Their son, Myron, Jr., is a noted artist
in Paris,
France. Mrs. Nutting died in the wilds of Mexico, where her
husband was
Carpenter, a Baptist minister, married and thence came to
McLeansboro. Chester had one son, Milton, who married Fanny
[actually Fanny Dale], and he was State Treasurer of Illinois, and died
Springfield during his second term as treasurer. He had five sons.
married Caroline Gowdy, Milton married Miss Lasater [actually Rebecca
Lasater], aunt of A. A. Lasater, John married Amy Sabina, daughter of
Marshall. Favious [actually Flavious] married Rebecca, daughter of
John W.
Marshall, Christopher, lawyer, died single...
father's mother, Sarah, daughter of John and Mary Duff Moore of South
Carolina was of this Colonial Moore family. She had five brothers
and two
sisters, Alfred, Lewis, James, Greene, John, Nancy and Leah.
Several of
these Moores and families came to Hamilton County in 1816 with the
Nancy married Burton, parents of Harriet and Mary. Harriet married
John S.
Kinnear. Mary married John Mason, Leah married Epley, parents of
Mrs. Louise
Ritchey, aged 101, who now resides in McLeansboro. My father's
M. Heard, died and was buried on his farm in Flannigan township,
where others were permitted burial as was the custom. His widow,
Sarah Moore
Heard moved to McLeansboro and married James Allen from Memphis, Tenn.
had two children, Joseph and Marium. Joseph married Mary Hall of
Their daughter, Alive married A. A. Lasater, and their daughter, Addie
married Dr. Will Barter. Joseph Allen's sons, Clarence, Frank, and
lived in McLeansboro. Marium married Asbury from Knoxville, Tenn.,
and their
son, Joseph married Julia, sister of Milton Dailey. They had one
son, Roy J.
Asbury, who died and his widow married and moved to California.
The elder
Asbury died and his widow, Marium, married Dr. V. S. Benson.
Marshalls were six weeks crossing the Atlantic in a sailing vessel, and
during the voyage the infant, Samuel, died and was buried at sea.
mother's father liking the name of Samuel so much, named another son
name, the late Judge S. S. Marshall. John, Samuel and Daniel
settled in Shawneetown, about 1810. John was Illinois' first
banker. Daniel
moved to McLeansboro about 1820. He and his first wife, Sophia
Marshall, had two sons, John W. and Samuel S., and four daughters,
Jemimah, Elizabeth and Amy Sabina. John married Mary, daughter of
Lockwood. Samuel S. died single. Isabelle married Charles H.
Jemimah married John W. O'Neal. Elizabeth married Dr. Z. R.
Millard. Amy
married John Carpenter.
Marshall's second wife was Miss Sarah Holmes, and Englishwoman, and
they had one daughter, Edith, who married C. M. Wiseman, and they had
sons, Carl and Arthur. Mrs. Wiseman died and Mr. Wiseman married
the second
time to Miss Ida Blempker of Evansville, and they later moved to
Powells came from Virginia to Kentucky, and thence Major Daniel Powell,
Major of the Black Hawk War, came to White County near New Haven.
He married
Rhoda Douglass. Their son J. J. married Mary, daughter of C. H.
and Isabelle
M. Heard and their surviving children, Emory H., Henderson B. (Major),
Lenabel live in McLeansboro. James son of Major Powell married
daughter of James M. Heard of Parker's Prairie.
is written in a book by one of the family: "My grandfather Charles
Macdonald Heard was buried on the 40 acres of his farm the N.W.-S.E.-Sec.
10-T 6-R5 in Hamilton County, Illinois, later known as the Valentine
His wife my father's mother, Sarah Moore Heard-Allen-Blacker was buried
the old graveyard in McLeansboro, Ill. and years afterward her remains
re-interred in the new Cemetery. My father wished to place a
monument at his
father's grave, but he and other old citizens of that neighborhood were
unable to find the grave. Other pioneers were buried there also.
you see Sarah Moore married, Charles Macdonald Heard-2nd James Allen,
James Blacker of Canada and survived all of them by a number of years.