Have you found lost items meant to be reunited with their
families? Perhaps you have gone to an antique store, estate sale
or flea market and bought someone's family photos or family mementos in
hopes of one day finding the rightful owners. Or maybe you have a
photo you can't identify and wish it to be returned to a family
member. This page is intended to provide a way for that to be
done. We are all searching for photos, letters, funeral cards,
post cards, receipts, bibles, deeds, scrapbooks, heirlooms, etc. that
once belonged to our ancestors.
If you have such an item and wish to list it on this page, feel free to do so. Please give a little history regarding the memento if possible. Your name and email address will be included next to the item. The interested party will contact you directly for more information and inquire of any fee you might charge (postage, reimbursement costs, etc.). If an item is returned to a family member, please notify me and I will remove it from this page. Items from any Southern Illinois county will be accepted. Please note that I in no way will profit from providing this service. |
photos submitted by Gail Hahn Hutchcraft.
photos submitted by Emily Swanson
FOUND: Old Coin needs Identification
Recently an old coin was found at the York family reunion in McLeansboro. The coin is the size of a "half dollar" and has in the center "ONE PENNY" with a circle around it. Then just above that in its own circle (size of penny) it says "Chartered Oct. 28, 1921". Then in a circle around the periphery of the coin in large letters is "I. M. ASBURY CHAPTER NO. 261. R.A.M.", and in much smaller letters McLeansboro, ILLS. On the other side of the coin is a "badge diagram" with a circle in it - going around this circle are the capital letters followed by a period "S.T.K.S.H.T.W.S." To the left of this badge is a "ringing" type bell you would hold in hand and ring and on the right had side is a Trumpet or Gavel. Does anyone have a clue as to what this coin is or represents? If so, please contact Kyle Hart. Thanks! |