Variations in Voters' Names, 1832
Hamilton County, Illinois

The poll books of Clerks Benjamin Hood and Charles Coker for the 6 August 1832 election in Town Precinct, Hamilton County, Illinois, are in the County Archives, McLeansboro, Illinois.  The clerks recorded each voter's name and publicly tallied his choice of candidates for Congress, Representative, Sheriff, Coroner, and County Commissioner.  This is the only early election for which two poll books for the same precinct were found. [In the state of Illinois].

We all know that clerks spelled names differently, and these poll books are irrefutable evidence of minor and major variations and outright mistakes in spelling.  As was common at this time, each clerk, also, altered his own spelling of the same name--e.g., Irwin, Erven, Eirven, Eirvin, Eirwin.  Although we may feel uncomfortable with diversity in the spelling of names, we usually accept it.  However, in circumstances other than these poll books, some would be reluctant to accept Mathewis and Mathes as the same person--or Hasten and Hasom, Hasstand and Hetand, etc.  The name of the seventh man to vote in this precinct was plainly recorded as John Prince by one clerk and John Price by the other clerk.  Apparently, this was a careless mistake--not a phonetic variation.  This type of negligence could have major bearing on genealogical research.

The following names have been alphebetized.  They are not in the order on the polls books.  As many of these voters were not included in the 1830 census of Hamilton County, all are listed even though there is no variation in the spelling of their names.  An * (asterisk) denotes that the name is not listed in the Index to the 1830 Federal Census of Hamilton County by James V. and Maryan R. Gill.


*Allen, Chaffin - Allan, Chaffen *Allen, Isaac -- Allan, Isaac
*Allen, Jacob -- Jacob Allan  Allen, Jams - Allen, James
 Allen, William  Allan, William
*Anderson, Gaberal -- Alen, Jaberal  Anderson, John -- same
 Barnes, David -- same  Barns, Jams -- Barnes, James
*Baugh, Phillip -- Baugh, Fillimore *Bausley -- Bosley, John
 Biggerstaff, Alfred  Biggestaff, Alfred
 Biggerstaff, Hiram -- Biggestaff, Hirum  Biggerstaff, Samuel - Biggersaff, Samuel
 Biggerstaff, Samuel - same *Biggerstaff, Westley - Biggerstaff, Wesley
 Billings, Arden - Billings, Arding  Bond, Mastin -- Bond, Maston
*Braddy, Benje -- Brady, Bengeman *Bush, Patterson - Boosh, Patterson
*Cammel, James -- Canael, James *Clark, Isaac -- same
*Clark, Robert -- same *Cofield, Willis -- Cofeld, Willis
 Collins, Solomon -- Coans, Soloman *Coonrod, Henry -- same
*Cottenham, Thomas -- same *Crook, Jams -- Crooke, James
 Dabney, John -- same  Dale, John -- same
 Dale, Lyle -- Dale, Liol *Davenport, James -- Davenport, James
 Davenport, John -- Dabenport, John  Davenport, Otho -- Dabenport, John
 Davis, Aserriah -- Davis Azrius *Davis, Sneed -- same
*Daylee, John -- Daley, John  Daylee, Vincin -- Daley, Vinson
 Daylee, Wm. -- Daley, William  Daylie, Anderson -- Daley, Anderson
 Dearsen, Gidien -- Dearen, Gidian  Deets, Samuel -- same
 Denny, Wm. -- Deney, William *Dobbs, Isaac -- same
 Dobbs, Josiah -- Dobes, Josiah  Drew, Langston -- same
 Dudley, Ambrose -- Dudely, Ambers *Dunham, Joseph -- Duam, Joseph
 Duvall, Archibald -- Duval, Arachabald *Duvall, John -- Juvall, John
*Easley, Franklin -- Eazley, Franklin *Easley, Milinton -- Easley, Miline
*Eldredge, William -- same *Ellis, James -- Elis, James
*Epley, Andres -- same *Epley, John -- same
*Epley, John -- same  Farmer, John -- same
*Farmer, Littleberry -- Farmer, Little Barry *Farmer, William -- same
*Farmer, William -- same *Fowler, Arther -- same
*Fraysser, John -- Frashner, John  Garner, Mosses B. -- Garner, Moses B.
 Garrison, Samuel -- Garison, Samuel *Garrison, Thos. -- Garison, Thomes
 Garvin, John B. -- same  Gatlin, Edward -- same
 Gatlin, James -- same *Gray, Charles -- same
 Green, Henry -- Green, Henery *Green, Wm. -- Green, William
 Griffeth, Wm., -- Grifeth, William *Grisory, Absolem -- Grigrey, Absalem
*Grisory, Joinathan -- Grigery, Johnithan *Gosset, Jams -- Goset, James
*Hale, Isaac -- same  Hall, John -- same
*Hallack, Andrew -- Holick, Andrew  Handsbro, John W. -- Hadesbro, John
 Hamilton, Edmon -- Hamilton, Edmond *Hardy, Isham -- Hardy, Isom
*Hardy, Jedithan -- Hardy, Janthun *Hasstand, Spencer -- Hetand, Spenser
*Hasten, Aberham B. -- Hasom, Abram B. *Henderson, Joseph -- Henrson, Joseph
 Hiatt, Jessie -- Hiett, Jessy *Hiett, John -- same
 Hiett, Little P. -- Hiat, Little P.  Hill, Richard -- same
*Hinsate, Wm. -- Hugate, William  Hood, Benj. -- Hood, Bengamin
*Hood, Dempsey -- Hood, Demcey  Hopkins, John -- Hopkines, John
 Huffstuter, John -- Fuffstutler, John *Hunter, Jams -- Junter, James
 Hutson, Aberham -- Hutson, Abram  Irvin, Aberham -- Eirven, Aberam
*Irvin, Aberham, Jr., -- Erven, Abriam *Irvin, Henry -- Eirvin, Henry
 Irvin, Joseph -- Irwin, Josep  Irvin, Runion -- Eirwin, Runyon
 Irwin, Robert -- same *Ivens, Jabis -- Ivens, Jabos
 Johnson, Hesikier -- Johnson, Hezicah  Johnson, Rezia -- Jonson, Rezia
 Johnson, Wm. -- Jonson, William  Kimsey, John -- Kimzey, John
 Kimsey, Robert -- Cimsey, Robert *Kimsey, Wm. -- same
*Koker, Charles -- Coker, Charles  Krisel, George -- Crisel, George
 Krisel, Henry -- Cristel, Henery  Lane, Jams -- Lane, James
 Lane, John -- same  Lane, Thos. -- Lane, Thomas
 Lane, Thos. (Miller) -- Lane, Thomas  Lane, Wm. -- Lane, William
 Lasley, Francis -- Leshley, Franses *Lawyer, WM., -- Lawar, William
 Leane, Ezekiel -- Lane, Ezekil  Lemmons, Wm. -- Lemens, William
 Lockhart, John -- same  Lockwood, Jessee C. -- Lockwood, J. C.
 Lons, Henry -- Lons, Henery  Mainus, John -- Manes, John
 Malone, Wm. -- Malon, William  Marshall, Daniel -- Marchel, Danal
*Mathewis, Martin -- Mathes, Marten *Maulding, Alexander -- Malding, Elickzander
 Maulding, Eness - Moldon, Eness Maulding, Wm., -- Maldon, William
 Maybery, Jessee -- Mayberry, Jesa *M'Broom, Isaac - McBroom, Isaac
 McColister, Angguish -- McColister, Angues *M'Comes, Gabril -- McCole, Gaboreral
*M'Kinely, Ebineeszer -- McKimley, Ebenezer *M'Nimes, John -- McNimes, John
*Merris, Reubin -- Mares, Rubin *Minton, Spencer -- Milton, Spenser
 Mitchell, Ichabed -- Mitchell, Ichibud  More, James -- same
*More, James -- same  More, John -- Moor, John
 More, Wm. -- More, William *Morras, Noah -- Moris, Noah
 Morris, Mason -- Marros, Mason *Morris, More -- Mares, More
*Musgrave, Aberham -- Musgrave, Aberam *Musgrave, John -- same
*Musgrave, Joseph -- Musgrave, Joseph  Musgrave, Moses -- same
 Musgrave, Samuel -- same *Musgrave, Samuel G. -- same
*Naper, Patrick -- same *Naper, Richard -- Napepar, Richerd
*Nappier, Renne -- Naper, Rene *Nickson, Greenberry - Nexson, Green Berry
*Oliver, Lanson -- same *Page, David -- same
*Patern, Wm. C. -- Patten, William C. *Patten, Samuel -- same
*Peck, Andrew -- same  Perey, Leegy -- Parrey, Leeraway
 Perry, Redmon -- same  Pierce, Abner -- Pirs, Abenar
 Pierce, Ezekiel -- Pirse, Ezekiel  Prince, John -- Price, John
 Proctor, John -- Prokter, John  Proctor, Joseph -- Prockter, Joseph
 Proctor, Little P. -- Prockter, Little P.  Procter, Nickless -- Procter, Nichiles
 Procter, Reubin -- Prockter, Rubin *Psalaman, Gerge -- Salsman, Gorge
*Ralls, Redick -- Roles, Reddck  Rathbone, Loranzo -- Rathbon, Lorenzo
 Ray, John -- same *Rector, Uriah -- same
*Renno, Eli -- Reno, Eli *Reynolds, Furney -- Runolds, Fermey
*Reynolds, Richas -- Runels, Ritcherd *Rich, Tayler -- Rich, Taler
*Rich, Warren -- Ritch, Waren *Ritch, JerryMiah -- Ritch, Juremah
*Rodgers, Eligah -- Rogers, Elisa  Ross, Andrew -- Rous, Andrew
 Ross, Patrtick -- same  Scoot, Thos. -- Scott, Thomes
 Shirley, Nimrod -- same  Simpkins, George -- Simukis, Gorg
 Smith, John M. -- same *Standafer, Jobe -- Standfer, Jobe
[Jobe is listed as Kanderfer on the 1830 census]
*Strawmatt, Francis -- Strawmat, Franses *Strawmat, Thos. -- Strawranat, Thomas
*Stronge, Hiram -- Strons, Hirem *Thomas, Hiram -- Tomes, Hirem
 Tolly, Daniel -- same  Trammel, Jarratt -- Tramal Jareard
 Vaun, Wm. -- Vaugn, William *Ward, Alverson -- same
*Ward, Nathan -- same  Webb, Henry -- Webb, Henery
*Wells, Jam -- Wells, James  Wheeller, Jams -- Wheelar, James
 Wheeller, Thos. -- Wheler, Thomes  Wheller, Willis -- Wheeler, Willis
 Wheller, Wm. -- Wheeler, William *White, Hush -- Whit, Hugh
 White, John -- Whit, John *White, Prestin -- White, Preston
*Willis, Marril -- Willis, Mererl  Willis, Hardy C. -- same
*Willis, Wm. F. -- Willus, William  Wilson, John B. -- same
*Willis, Wm. F. -- Willus, William  Wilson, John B. -- same
*Wilson, Robert -- Willson, Robert  Wilson, Wm. G. -- Wilson, William
 Wiseman, Wm. -- Wiseman, William  Woodruff, Fielding -- Woodruff, Fildon
 York, John -- same *Young, Squire -- Young, Squer
The following did not vote in Town Precinct, Hamilton County, Illinois, in the election of 6 August 1832 but they did vote in Town Precinct in the election of Presidential Electors on 5 November 1832:
*Adkisson, Willisq *Bellows, James
*Biggerstaff, Arden *Bond, Elisha
*Bradford, Jeorge *Brinkley, William
*Bryant, James H.  Burton, John
 Burus, Elisa  Camel, John
*Carpenter, Milton *Coons, James
 Coons, John  Coonse, Marting
 Cross, Asahel  Crouch, Adam
*Drew, Benjamin *Drew, James A.
*Drew, William *Easley, Robert
*Edwards, Lewis  Flint, John
*Garrison, David *Gennup, Isaac
 Gordon, Elisha *Griffeth, John
*Hall, James *Harmason, Nathaniel
*Heard, James *Holedy, Flemon
*Holly, Christopher *Homes, Steward
*Humble, Robert *Jenkins, Thomas S.
 Johnson, John  Johnson, (Samule)
 Johnson, William Jr. *Keaten, Abraham
*Kricel, Charles *Kricel, John
*Lane, Leaven  Lane, Lewis
*Leach, Jacob *Martin, Samuel
 Maulding, James *Maulding, Keeling
*McGlothlen, William *Mires, John
*Mires, Henry *Mires, Martin
 Moore, Alford *Moutray, Jonathan
*Muncil, Ira *Munday, Samuel
 Musgrave, Robert  Oslesby, Ruben
 Phelps, Charles *Rhodes, John
 Richey, James *Riley, William
*Shirley, Isaac  Shirely, Moses
 Sims, Martin *Smithpeters, Michael
*Standerfer, Archibald Sr.  *Steavens, William
*Strawmat, Franklin *Sturman, Nathan
 Townsend, John *Trout, George
 Vandeventer, Robert *Vickers, Thomas
 Warfield, John  Well, Philop
*Wells, Samuel *Wells, Solomon
 Wheelar, John *Williams, Wiley
*Willis, John *Willis, Wesley
*Willis, William *Willson, James M.
 Witt, Robert *Yates, John

[With grateful acknowledgement to Harold G. Felty and
Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. VII, No. I, Spring, 1975]

From: Goshen Trail's, Vol. 13, No. 2, April, 1977
Printed by permission

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