Court Orders of
County, IL
by Diane
McPherson-Stern. Thanks, Diane HAMILTON
the Hon Judge of Hamilton Circuit Court in the 12th Judicial Circuit of
You Oratrix ANGELINE CONNER who is and has been for many
years a resident of the County and State aforesaid Humbly Complaining
would respectfully represent unto your Hon that about the 4th day of
February A. D. 1860, she was legally married to one WILLIAM N CONNER
her present husband and whom your Orator prays may be made a party
defedant to this Bill, And your Oratrix would further represent to your
Hon that from the day of her said marriage as aforesaid she demeaned and
conducted herself towards her said husband as a kind and affectionate wife
should administering to his wants and alleviating his cares as much as in
her way and using every effort to make her said husband comfortable and
happy. You Oratrix would further represent unto you Hon that her
said husband not regarding the kind and affectionate treatment of your
Oratrix and wholly disregarding the obligations of his marriage vows and
the peace, comfort and happiness of your Oratrix has been guilty of the
heinous crime of adultery in that he has been repeatedly engages in
unlawful intercourse with one MARY ANN ROBERTS and divers other
lewd women hereby bringing shame and disgrace upon your Oratrix. And
that her said husband is now leading a notorious and immoral mode of life
in utter disregard of the feelings of your Oratrix, and your Oratrix would
further represent unto your Hon that her said husband WILLIAM N CONNER
since their said marriage as aforesaid has been guilty of extreme and
repeated cruelty, beating your Oratrix in a harsh and cruel manner, and
your Oratrix would further represent unto your Hon that on or about the
month of July A. D. 1864 her said husband deserted your Oratrix and has
refused to live with your Oratrix ever since. (The following line
has been crossed out--Therefore in consideration of all the facts herein
set forth and charged by your Oratirx) ANGELINE
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