JOSEPH H. UPCHURCH FROM: The History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin, and Williamson Counties, Illinois (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1887). P. 747.
H. Upchurch, circuit court clerk of Hamilton County, Ill., was born in
White County, Tenn., April 11, 1847, the son of Enoch S. and Louesa (Shuster)
Upchurch, both natives of Tennessee. Our subject came to Illinois with his
parents in 1860. The father located on the farm in this county, and
followed farming until his death, August 30, 1882. Here our subject was
reared and educated. He has followed a farmer's life. Teaching school in
the winter and farming daring the summer as his father, grandfather and
great-grandfather had done before him, up to the present, and still lives
OD his farm three miles south of McLeansboro. He has always been an
unswerving Democrat and actively engaged in political affairs since 1871.
He was deputy assessor from 1871 to 1877. In 1876 he made an unsuccessful
race for sheriff. In 1877 he was elected treasurer of the county, and in
1879 re-elected for the following term, which held over until December,
1882. In 1884 he was elected circuit clerk, which office be has filled in
a highly efficient and faithful manner to the present time. He has lost
two wives by death, they were Susan and Ida Hutson (sisters). One child by
each wife is living: Francis R. and Nora. He is a member of the Knights of
Honor, and is justly recognized as one of Hamilton County's enterprising
citizens and popular officials. |