Powell by Carol Olson According to Silas Wright Heard, the Powells came from Virginia. Other sources say the Powells came from South Carolina. Some sources say Daniel and his family moved from South Carolina to East Tennessee when Daniel was 12 years of age (about 1805). They did live in Kentucky before moving to Illinois. In War of 1814, Battle of New Orleans, Daniel Powell served under William Mitchisson of Caldwell County, Kentucky in the 14th Regiment Kentucky Militia as a Sergeant. Appeared on the tax lists for Henderson County, KY for the first time in 1816 as only white male in his household over 21 owning three horses / mares for a total tax of 100. In 1817, he was taxed on two horses for a total tax of 100. In 1818 he was again taxed on three horses for a total tax of 160. On 29 Jun 1815, in Henderson County, KY, he married Margery Jane Miller. He was not listed in the Henderson County tax lists in 1819.
When living in Illinois, Daniel was very wealthy and owned much land, 720
acres in Hamilton and 1852 acres in White County. He started
purchasing his land 19 Jan 1819 in Hamilton County and listed Henderson
County, KY as the place he'd come from. He was head of household,
age 16-26, in 1820 census in White county, Illinois with 1 male under 10
(should be 1 female under 10 Lucinda), 1 female 16-26 (wife Margery), and
1 person (himself) in agriculture. Although he was enumerated in White
County, he appeared to be living in Hamilton County. When the County
Commissioners' Court met for the first time 9 Apr 1821, he was appointed
fence viewer along with Frederick Mayberry Sr. for range 7, township 7.
On 5 Mar 1825, his wife Margery died in Hamilton County and was buried at
Wolf Creek Cemetery. He then married Rhoda Douglas 4 Aug 1825 in
Hamilton County. Sometime Daniel was captain of his own company during the Black Hawk war in regiment 3, brigade 2 of the Illinois Mounted Volunteers with 54 men under him. It was called into the service of the US on the requisition of General Atkinson by governor's proclamation dated 15 May 1832. The company actually formed 19 Jul 1832. He was mustered out 15 Aug 1832. James Eubanks was his 2nd Lieutenant and head of a detachment. Daniel was a Major during the Black Hawk War according to some records. He was head of household, age 40-50, in 1840 census in White county, Illinois with 3 males under 5 (James, John J, Hezekiah), 1 male 5-10 (John G), 1 male 10-15 (Henderson), 1 male 15-20 (Thomas), 1 female under 5 (Sarah), 1 female 10-15 (Lucretia), 1 female 30-40 (Rhoda, his wife).
Daniel ran for State Senator on the Democratic ticket in 1840 and was
defeated. A History of At age 57 in 1850 census, Daniel is living on a farm, valued $10,000, in Grayville, Illinois as a farmer with wife Rhoda, 8 children: Thomas, John G, Sarah J, Jehu J, James W, Mary E, Elizabeth C, Silas W, and farm laborer John W Snider. Age 66 in 1860 census living on a farm, real property $20,000 and personal property $20,000, in Duncanton, Illinois as a farmer with wife Rhoda, 6 children: John G, Jehu J, James W, Mary E, Elizabeth C, Silas W, 2 grandchildren Florence & Mary Dagley, and 2 boarders Ed Barnes and John Gillis. In about 1862 Daniel built a house (on the property, which presently belongs to the Powell General Baptist Church,) in hopes that the Predestination Baptists would organize a church there, something which never happened. The land was sold in 1875, three years after his death, to the General Baptist Church, which was still active there in the 1880's. Silas W Powell, Daniel's youngest child, was buried in the adjoining graveyard in 1899, his monument being one of the largest in the center of the graveyard. Age 76 in 1870 census he is living on a farm, valued at $11,565, in Roland, Illinois as a farmer with wife Rhoda, youngest son Silas W, and grandchild Mary Dagley.
Daniel moved to Carmi in 1871 after his wife died where he remained until
his death. He was By 2002, when Robert & Carol Olson visited the grave, there were two markers, both in fine condition, although the Lick Creek Baptist Church nearby was being torn down. The inscription on one of the tombstones at Old Prairie or Lick Creek Cemetery in Herald's Prairie reads: "Daniel Powell Illinois Captain Capt Powell's Co 3 Regt 2 Brigade Black Hawk War 1793 1872". The large monument reads: "In Memory of Daniel Powell Died Dec 9, A. D. 1872 Aged About 79 years He lived an honest man. Yet for Salvation he trusted only in the Lord." On the opposite side of the monument is his wife's inscription which reads: "Rhoda wife of Daniel Powell died Jan 3 AD 1871 Aged 66yrs 2 mos 25 days. Good bye dear mother, sweetly rest, with Jesus and the blest."
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