Men of the 40th Regiment
Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Transcribed by Charles T. Summers and dedicated to his memory.
Submitted through the efforts of Evan Pickard,
Carol Rademacher, Sheldon Jones,
Sheila Cadwalader and Carol Lee Yarbrough
Printed by permission.
The Fortieth Regiment was enlisted in the counties of
Hamilton, Franklin, Wayne, White, Wabash, Marion, Fayette, and
Clay. On the 10th of August, 1861, the regiment, with ten
companies, reported at Springfield, Ill., and was mustered into the
service of the United States for three years...From: Goodspeed's
History of Hamilton, County.
The 40th lost 246 men: six Officers, 119 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 117 men by disease. The Regiment was composed of the following 10 Companies:
OF ALL THE OFFICERS AND MEN Charles T. Summer: The information in this section was transcribed from Archives Micro-film copies of the original Regimental records. Of course, you must understand that reading these is very difficult, and almost impossible in some cases. Also, you should check all possible spelling of the names. There are cases where the first and last name is reversed, as well as misspelled. Also, I have listed the statistics of each as I found them. For instance, when they re-enlisted, they were listed as soldiers for occupation. The reason I included the multiple listing of each man as it occurred is that in in many instances, the place of birth was listed as a State, and later, might list the County, State, and sometimes even the town or city. I did not, however, included the present place of residence, which was also listed in the records. Also, I did not include the information of wounded, transferred to Invalid Corps, etc, which is also on the film. The reason is that I would have been months more in completing this work, and I am sure any genealogist can appreciate that. You can go blind reading these old records on a reader. This addendum is inserted here for the lineage work of genealogists, and I assumed that if a man was wounded, but still living, then he could be accounted for. I also included the negative information, such as desertion, etc., because it is relative to research. For instance, a man who deserted might not return home to where he lived at the time of enlistment. So, you can save time by looking elsewhere if you do not find him easily. One important thing is, the men in this regiment are sometimes related, in some odd ways. For instance, the "Ing" boys from Franklin County are cousins of the "Ing" from Wabash County. My grandfather, John Wesley Summers, is a brother of some of the other Summers' men, and cousins to a lot of them. Sampson Harris is a brother to my grandfather, Matthew Harris, who enlisted in Indiana, and Sampson was married to a daughter of Alexander Summers, SR. The point is, if you begin to compare names, marriages, church rolls, cemetery inscriptions, you may find many connections. Another reason I included so much information in the "Addendum" is, the names included in the personal notes were sometimes different that the official records. Also, Sergeant Hart did not re-enlist in 1864, and the Regiment was engaged in many fights after that, and I have added the men who died later, as I found them. These records are written by hand in a very large book, and the lines are extended across two long pages, with no guidelines, so it is possible to get the wrong line no matter how you try -- by margin, by sight, by measuring, or by counting entries. These methods can all fail, especially when the writing is so dim you can hardly tell it is there. I wish you luck in locating your relative here, and hope it will be beneficial in your research. Charles Summers |
The List is very lengthy (over 1300 names). Please wait until the page loads completely to search for your surname.
To learn more about the 40th Illinois Infantry, See the Adjutant General's Report
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