THE City of McLeansboro
FIRE DEPARTMENT Which was organized July 6, 1894, is manned by a company of volunteers, every one of whom is an officer, there being no privates in the organization. The apparatus consists of one hose wagon and one hook and ladder outfit. They have 800 feet of hose and there are six fire alarm stations in the city The officers of the fire department are as follows: F. J. Chapman, chief; Caleb Smith, assistant chief. The roster of Hose Co. No. 1 is as follows: J. W. Wright, captain; C. E. Biggerstaff, first lieutenant; S. M. Blades, second lieutenant; J. C. Eckely, secretary; A. E. Wilson, treasurer; F. W. Robinson, first pipeman; W. H. Woodworth, first assistant pipeman; A. H. Tedrow, second pipeman; Charles Sullenger, second assistant pipeman; Al Tedrow, third pipeman; Chas. Huffstuttler, fourth pipeman; S. M. Talbot, fourth assistant pipeman; Wm. Threkeld, first plugman; Geo. B. Foot, second plugman; O. H. Hyatt, third plugman; John Norris, first lineman and C. C. Buck, third lineman. The officers of Wildcat Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1 are: J. H. McGee, captain; Chas. Blades, first lieutenant; H. B. Powell, secretary; Geo. Parkhurst, treasurer; Jas. Huffstuttler, second lieutenant, with Percy Brewster, Will Hartwick, S. M. Wright, Roy Smith and Hiram Lambert as assistants.
Frank J. Chapman, chief of the McLeansboro fire department, was appointed by the city council in 1894 and at once effected an organization and with the aid of the city council and citizens equipped one of the best volunteer fire departments in the state. In 1895, the department won a handsome silver fireman's trumpet which was offered by the Howe Engine company as a premium for the best organized and equipped company showing best fire fighting record in Illinois and Indiana. This was a great triumph for the boys and one of which they are justly proud. The trumpet can be seen in the sow window of Mr. Chapman's store. The years '94 and '95 were historical years of fires in this city, fires occurred almost daily, and through which our brave laddies fought with a will and courage that was remarkable, thereby saving thousands of dollars worth of property and the life of one of our best citizens. Mr. Chapman has been unanimously elected at every election since the organization of the fire department, and with his brave assistants and members now have the department, alarms, and alarm system in almost perfect shape and is constantly moving forward. This organization is the pride of our city and its officers and members are held in the highest esteem by the citizens of McLeansboro.
BANKS There are two banking institutions here. The Hamilton County Bank was organized in 1871 by C. G. Cloud. The officers are: C. G. Cloud, president; Judge W. P. Sloan, vice president, and Jackson Lockett, cashier. In the tower of the Hamilton County Bank is an immense clock hell, which can be heard for miles around as the hours are proclaimed. It is the property of the president, Mr. Cloud. The People's Bank was established in 1891. Its officers are: J. H. Miller, president, and W. D. Sharp, cashier. Both are private concerns and enjoy substantial backing and large credit. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE The Grand Opera House was erected at a cost of $15,000. The seating capacity is 800. It is lighted with electricity and has all the necessary stage equipments. Judge T. B. Stelle is the proprietor. FAMOUS HEALTH RESORT The city is known as a FAMOUS HEALTH RESORT, having within its borders the Mecca Mineral Springs on the property of Mr. S. W. Heard. The many remarkable cures of various chronic diseases of an obstinate and grave character produced by these waters and the rapidity with which they have increased in reputation have led many citizens to urge the owner to publish some of the facts that others may be benefited by them. The waters have not been in use long enough to thoroughly test the wide range and full extent of their capacity for the cure of disease, but in kidney troubles of all kinds, which are now held by eminent physicians to be the cause of most diseases, rheumatism, dyspepsia, etc., they have proved very efficacious. The analysis made by the chief chemist of the United States geological survey, Washington, D. C., is as follows:
THE McLEANSBORO FRUIT EVAPORATOR The McLeansboro Fruit Evaporator, of which Mr. T. F. Himmel is proprietor, is located east of the city. This concern paid out to farmers in this vicinity in one year $15,980 for green fruit which was not otherwise merchantable, besides giving profitable employment to a number of young people during the fruit season. SECRET SOCIETIES The secret societies are also well represent, chief of which may be mentioned the Masonic, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Royal Templars of Temperance, Knights of Honor, Court of Honor and Modern Woodmen. |
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