THE City of McLeansboro
Our Business Men |
NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL McLeansboro is indeed fortunate in possessing a hotel that is up-to-date and that equals in service and accommodations those of much larger cities. It is located just below the square on the main street leading to the railroad depot, contains 25 rooms, has good sample rooms, bath room with hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light and all modern improvements. The dining room is a model of cleanliness and the service is first-class, both in quality and quantity, testifying to the efficiency of the kitchen service. The table is noted for its excellence. This is a homelike place, and a great favorite among the traveling men, for whom special rates are made, and the courtesy and attention show guests and the general air of diligence in providing for their comfort characterizes the management and completes the sum total of the hotel's attractiveness. The sleeping rooms are noted for their cleanliness and comfort, everything being scrupulously clean, and nothing left undone that ought to be done. Mr. Hartwick, upon whom the active management of the hotel rests, was born in Baden-Baden, Germany, and came to McLeansboro eight years ago, since which time he has made for himself a reputation as hotel manager which is indeed enviable, and as a genial and companionable landlord, he has no superior and while he remains at the head the "New Arlington" will not decrease in popularity. We present our readers with a view of this hotel and will say to them when in McLeansboro be sure and stop with mine host Hartwick. J. C. CARNER The present efficient city clerk, who is now serving his second term, is a man of strong force of character and integrity of purpose. He has served his city well, and has been rewarded by a re-election. In addition to his official duties he is extensively engaged in the monumental and cut stone business, where a full force of hands are constantly employed getting out the many beautiful designs in granite and marble which decorate our cemeteries. They also make a specialty of cut stone work for building purposes, which is now so extensively used in the erection of our more modern structures.
The marble and granite used here comes largely from Vermont and Georgia and the limestone for the celebrated Green River, Ky. quarries. Mr. Carner is prepared to execute all orders pertaining to his line, and invite those interested to examine his work before placing their orders elsewhere. J. W. DENBO
By selling for cash he offers as inducements for patronage high grade goods at rock bottom prices and the reputation that Mr. Denbo's house bears as being the cheapest mercantile point in the city is greatly due to his enterprise. His line of wares is selected with the greatest care, the nicely arranged shelving, counters and tables add to their attractiveness and the store generally presents a bright and pleasing picture surcharging the very atmosphere with presentiments of thrift and progression. Mr. Denbo also has a branch store at Macedonia, Ill., operated by Mr. Tolley. He entertains broad ideas of the future possibilities of Southern Illinois, is imbued with a progressive spirit and encourages any enterprise that will advance the interests of McLeansboro, his adopted home. (See photo below for a view of Mr. Denbo's store).
W. W. WILLIAMS The transfer man of McLeansboro whose team is portrayed in the above picture, is one of the familiar sights to be seen on our street, either day or night, rain or shine, light or dark. "We meet all trains," is his motto, and righteously does he carry it out. Constantly on the go, loading and unloading, no man more busy than he, the reputation he has gained by promptness, fair treatment and the careful handling of goods is enviable. Mr. Williams was born on a farm in this county in 1850, where he remained until the year 1882, when he came to McLeansboro and engaged in the milling business, after which he clerked for a while in the hardware store of Leonard Coker, and from time to the present he has devoted himself exclusively to the transfer business. Mr. Williams is married; in religious circles is identified with the Baptist church, lives on his own property, is always ready and willing to accommodate and should any of our readers need his services, telephone your orders to No. 33 and Mr. Williams will give it his prompt attention. |
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