Adams | Allen | Daviess | DeKalb | Fountain | Grant |
Howard | Johnson | LaPorte | Montgomery | Orange | St. Joseph |
Vigo | Unknown |
(From Court Records)
From: IN Index to
Birth Records (A-Z) 1882-1920
Richard Standiford, son of Oren and Flossie Miller Standiford, M-W, March 13, 1917 (Bk. CH-16, p.89)
Robert Standiford, son of Merlin and Nellie Bartlett Standiford, M-W, January 10, 1914 (Bk. CH-16, p. 39)
Violet Standiford, daughter of Merl D. and Nellie Bartlett Standiford, F-W, August 19, 1916 (Bk. CH-16, p. 79)
Wanda Staniford, daughter of Clyde and Mabel Rayer Staniford, F-W, July 14, 1913 (Bk. H-15, p. 56)
Donald Steel, son of Herbert I. and Coria G. Standiford Steele, M-W, October 18, 1916 (Bk. CH 16-, p. 83)
Abigal E. Jackson, daughter of A. F. Landy and ? Standiford Steel, F-W, March 15, 1917 (Bk. CH 16, p. 89)
E. W. Jackson, son of E. W. and ? Standiford Jackson, M-W-, March 30, 1902 (Bk. H-7, p. 28)
IN Index to Birth
Records (A-Z) 1887-1920
Paul Edward Steel born to H. J. and C. G. Standiford Steel, M-W, February 12, 1920 (Bk. CH 8-228)
From IN Index to
Birth Records L-Z (Bk 1, Vol. 2, 1882-1920)
? Standeford, son of Olima M. and Matta Morton Standeford, M-W, December 7, 1901 (Bk CH 1, p. 154)
? Standeford, son of James W. and Sarah Orender Standeford, M-W, September 28, 1904 (Bk CH 2, p. 20)
? Standford, daughter of West and Sallie Henry Standford, F-W, December 19, 1901 (Bk CH-1, p. 154)
Gorgia Standiford, daughter of Elizah and Mary Mallet Standiford, F-W, February 22, 1908 (Bk H-y, p. 12)
Jessie Standiford, son of Aqula L. and Denna Mallet Standiford, M-W, August 13, 1908 (Bk H-7, p. 29)
Stella L. Standiford, daughter of O. M. and Media Standiford, F-W, June 6, 1908 (Bk H-7. p.29)
? Standiford, son of Hattie Standiford, M-W, February 25, 1905, (Bk H-4, p. 40)
? Standiford, daughter of E. and Mary Mallett Standiford, F-W, May 17. 1905 (Bk H-4, p.47)
? Standifred, son of Oliver M. and Mattie Morton Standifred, M-W, December 7, 1901 (Bk H-3, p. 43)
? Standiford, daughter of Wealey and Sally Henry Standiford, F-W, January 22, 1895 (Bk CH 1, p. 58)
Stanley Standeford, daughter of Oliver M. and Media Norton Standeford, M-W, February 21, 1900 (Bk H-2, p. 8)
? Standiford, daughter of Oliver M. and Media Morton Standiford, F-W, March 15, 1905 (Bk H-11, p. 16)
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Katherine
b. 16 Jul 1869
Washington, Daviess Co., IN
F. William Clark Sanford
M. Miriam Reed
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
b. abt 1842 Waterloo, IN
F. John M. Sanford
M. Electa
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Ann Eliza
b. 8 Jul 1847 Covington, IN
F. Pelago Anderson Sandford
M. Emeline Marvin
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
b. 6 May 1866
Marion, Grant Co., IN
No parents listed
From Howard Co., IN Birth Records 1875-1920
? Standeford, son of Joshua C. & Sarah Motes, b. May 29, 1887 (Bk. H-2, p. 11)
? Standerford, daughter of Henry & Minerva Benson Standerford, F, W, b. April 7, 1882
Rollie Standerford, son of Joshua & Sarah H. Motes Standerford, M, W, b. May 12, 1882 (Bk. H-2, p. 11)
Wayne Standerford, son of Robert & Lillian Masters Standerford, M, W. b. May 30, 1913 (Bk CH-4, p. 66)
? Standerford, daughter of Andrew N. & Minerva Benson Standerford, F, W, b. September 19, 1883
? Standerfour, son of A. N & ? Benson Standerfour, b. May 10, 1888 (BK H-2, p. 29)
? Stanffu, son of J. M. & Josia Thompson Stanffu, b. November 17, 1893 (Bk. H-5, p. 14)
Elnora F. Stanfield, daughter of Ray & Ura Fitz Stanfield, F, W, b. May 27, 1914 (Bk.CH-5, p. 3)
Pauline Stanfield, daughter of Ray & Ura Mabel Fitz Standifeld, F, W, b. November 4, 1912 (Bk. CH-4, p. 111)
T. Stanfield, son of Harvey & Libblie Boston Stanfield, M, W, b. March 8, 1884 (Bk C-1A, p. 111)
Mary Helen Stanfield, daughter of M. V. & Ida Dotterer Stanfield, F, W, b. November 18, 1911 (Bk CH-4, p. 17)
Thomas Jos. Stanford, son of M. V. & Ada Dotterer Stanfield, M, W, b. November 12, 1913 (Bk CH-4, p. 83)
? Stanford, daughter of Fred & ? Stanford, F, W, b. January 3, 1891 (CH-1, p. 226)
Johnson County
From Family
Records of Johnson County, IN. Comp. by Vera Reese Tranter 1941-1942.
*Only one page of these records are available to me at
this time. I will list all of the births on p. 110.
1. Stanley Lowell Sandifer, b. February 17,
2. Georgia Elnora Sandifer, b. July 8, 1908
3. Aletha Rosemond Sandifer, b. May 7, 1910
4. Edna Aleen Sandifer, b. December 3, 1913
Williard Clyde Sandifer, b. January 12, 1918
5. Morris Milton Sandifer, no dates given.
Jane C. Sandifer m. Thomas Harris March 13,
1818. Jane C. was born October 21, 1796; d. August 1878. Thomas Harris was b.
April 1786; d. September 1856. Their children were:
1. James S. Harris, b. December 14, 181
2. Elizabeth Durham Harris, b. September 28, 1820 (m. Samuel Cusinger)
3. Samuel B. Harris, b. November 24, 1822
4. William T. Harris, b. February 11, 1824 (Nancy A. Harris, first wife of Wm. T.
Harris, d. February 23, 1868, age 43 years, 21 days. Mary Harris, 2nd wife, died
April 9, 1872, age 40 years, 5 months, 22 days. Both are buried in the Phillips
burying ground in Shelby Co., IN.
5. Sarah E. Harris, b. February 11, 1827
6. Nancy A. Harris, b. April 8, 1829
7. Susan J. Harris, b. October 7, 1831
8. Mary C. Harris, b. February 22, 1834
9. Mahala A. Harris, b. March 3, 1837
10. Martha E. Harris, b. September 3, 1841
11. Louisa C. Harris, b. July 31, 1844
From LaPorte Co., IN Early Settlers: Name, birth place, date born, date arrived, occupation:
Standiford, A. G., Shelby Co., KY, January 27, 1816,
September 2, 1836, Physician
Standiford, D. C. (near) Lexington, KY, April 24, 1826, Spring, 1834,
Standiford, Martha, St. Lawrence Co., NY, March 13, 1825, June 16, 1836
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Amanda Emeline
b. 16 Aug 1856 Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co., IN
F. Pelago Anderon Sanford
M. Emeline Marvin
From: WPA Records - Orange Co.
Child: Standeford, M, W, b. May 14,
1888. Father: John O.; Mother: Elizabeth Benett H-01, p. 252
Child: Standeford, M, W, b. March 29, 1906. Father: Oscar; Mother: Magill
H-06, p. 32
Child: Standeford, M, W, b. March 29, 1906. Father: Oscar; Mother: Ella
Magill, H-04, p. 6
Child: James W. Standeford, M, W, b. February 23, 1916. Father: James;
Mother: Lula Walker, H-13, p. 38
Child: John W. Standeford, M, W, b. November 26, 1913. Father: James;
Mother: Lula Walker, H-13, p. 26
Child: Lloyd Standeford, M, W, b. October 21, 1909. Father: Oscar A.;
Mother: Ellie P. Magill, H-13, p. 8
Child: Noah Standeford, M, W. b. April 12, 1910. Father: James R.; Mother
Lulu Walker, H-13, p. 10
Child: Ruby P. Standeford, F, W, b. January 1, 1913. Father:
George; Mother: Alta Trinkle, H-15, p.15
Child: Standiford, M, W, b. August 24, 1885. Father: Adolphus; Mother:
Elizabeth Chisem, H-01, p. 142
Child: Standiford, F, W, b. December 4, 1888. Father: George;
Mother: Mary J. Davis, H-01, p. 270
Child: Standiford, F, W, b. August 5, 1891. Father: Adolphus R; Mother
Lizzie Chisum, H-01, p. 314
Child: Standiford, M, W, b. August 21, 1900. Father: Will B.;
Mother Sucolin Morgan, H-04, p. 4
Child: Standiford, M, W, b. August 31, 1900. Father: Will B.;
Mother: ? Morgan, H-04, p. 33
Child: Gladys V. Standiford, F, W, b. April 18, 1912. Father:
James; Mother: Lula Walker, H-13, p. 18
Child: Granville Nugent, M, W, b. May 2, 1917. Father: Albert
Nugent; Mother: Etta Standiford, H-16, p. 11
Child: Stella M. Nugent, F, W, b. March 26, 1920. Father: Albert
Nugent; Mother: Idea Stanford, H-16-67
Child: Alspaugh, M, W, b. July 14, 1904. Father: Solomon S.;
Mother: Mary Standiford, H-06, p. 16
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Ely Gilbert
b. abt 1853 South Bend, Saint Joseph, IN
F. Samuel Charles Sanford
M. Cynthia Anna Townsend
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Albert Marion
b. 21 Jul 1843, Vigo, IN
F. Peleg Sanford
M. Malinda Greelief
From: The International Genealogical Index
*Contributed by Cathy Hickox
SANFORD, Eliza Pollard
b. 11 Oct 1842, IN
F. Edward C. Sanford
M. Hepzabeth Macy
b. 1881, IN
F. Nathan Sanford
M. Annie MMcMillian
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