Please contribute your death record!
From The Carrollton Patriot:
*Contributed by Mitzi Calbreath
More obituaries in the Illinois Quarterlies/Newspaper Section.
Mr. Ed
Standefer died at Athensville 30 years ago, February 15, 1882 and was buried in
Mr. Israel
Standefer, about age 70, found dead under a hedge on the farm of Thomas Hobson 40
years ago.
[pub. January 29, 1920]
William W.
Standefer died at his home 25 year ago.
[pub. November 1, 1928]
Standfer shot himself discourage of account of poor health. He lived here
until about five years ago, when he moved to Oklahoma and from there to Moorhead,
Mississippi, tow years ago. He worked at the carpenter trade while here.
[pub. June 29, 1911]
September 16, 1909,
Mrs. John Pointer died Tuesday leaving a husband and six small children, the youngest only
two days old. Eliza Jane Standefer was born March 8, 1876 married
John Pointer February 2, 1898. Her mother N. J. Standefer lives at Greenfield, also
leaves three sisters: Mrs. Ed Brown of Greenfield, Mrs. Elijah Jackson of Athensville, and
Mrs. Leone Godar, Jerseyville; also five brothers: Leslie of Moorehead, MS, Samuel and
Howard of Hardin, MO, John of Minneaspolis, KS and Charles address unknown.