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Chaffee Eagle El Paso
Gunnison Larimer

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Chaffee County:

Salida, Chaffee County, CO.

 goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes)Fairview Cemetery:

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Joseph B. Sandefer; b. March 23, 1887; d. April 3, 1946
(Marker; Cem. Rec. p. 112; Sec. J, Row 5, G25)

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Jessie Marvin Sanford; b. November 16, 1890; d. December 9, 1942
(Marker; Cem. Rec. Sec. G., Blk 9)

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Seth Austin Sanford; b. 1834; d. August 1908
(Marker; Cem. Rec., p. 34, Sec. I, BKK22)

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Eagle County:

goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes) Sunset View Cemetery
Eagle Co, CO.

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Virginia Sandiford, d. 1989

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El Paso County:
(Colorado Springs)

goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes) Evergreen Cemetery 

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Melvin C. Standifer, b. 1923; d. May 22, 1928

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Edward E. Standeford, b. 1895; d. April 7, 1909

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Matilda C. Standeford, b. 1867;  d. February 24, 1920

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Paul W. Standeford, d. December 29, 1923

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Robert P. Standeford, b. 1864; d. October 9, 1950

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) W. R. Standifer, b. 1873; d. September 4, 1923
Woodmen of the World

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes) Don B. Standiford, b. 1892; d. July 19, 1933

goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes)Fairview Cemetery:

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Alice J. Standiford (no dates)

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Mary Standiford (no dates)

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)W. W. Standiford (no dates)

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Gunnison County:

 goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes)Gunnison Cemetery:

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Frank D. Sanford; d. June 24, 1923 (Blk B71; Lot L28; Plot P10)
goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Margaret Sanford; d. 1936 (Blk B71; Lot L28; Plot 09)
goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Margaret W. Sanford; d. 1898 (Blk B71; Lot L28; Plot P12)

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Larimer County:

goldcross.jpg (2630 bytes)Rest Haven Memory Gardens:

goldrose.jpg (5243 bytes)Carl Wayne Standiferd; b. March 1, 1883; d. March 1, 1981
(Lot: bl; Sec. 12; grave a3)

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