From: Barbados Records - Wills and Administrations, Vol. 1, 1639-1680, compiled and edited by Joanne McRee Sanders; pub. Gen. Pub. Co. 1984.
Sandiford, Thomas Gent. [p.
St. Peters All Saints Parish, 15 June 1661, RB6/15, p. 476:
Sons Thomas Sandiford and William Sandiford; sons Charles Sandiford, John
Sandiford, Henery Sandiford and Edmond Sandiford all at 21; daughter Elizabeth
Sandiford at 21; daus Ann Sandiford and Dorothy Sandyford both at 18; land known
as Compton's land in St. Andrews Overhills; wife Margarett Sandiford -- Xtrx:
brother William Sandyford Esq, Capt. Anthony Long, brother-in-law John Cox and
William Dotin -- Overseers. Signed Thoms Sandiford.
Wit: Gyles Hall, Will: Sandiford, Anthony Long.
Proved 25 Oct 1666.
Stanford, John [p.
12 May 1662, RB6/15, p. 233
To be buried in church or church yard of St. Josephs Parish; wife Elizabeth
Stanford* -- Xtrx; chn Jane Stanford*, Robert Stanford*, James Stanford*, and
Thomas Stanford*; Capt. Joseph Thorne, John Price, Eyare Walcott, and son-in-law
Kimberlaine Campion -- Overseers in trust. Signed John Stanford
Wit: John Thorne, Geo: Lee, William Thorne, Edw: Bennington, Joseph Thorne
Proved 23 Jan 1662/3
Sandifer, Thomas
Gent. [p. 316]
St. Peters Parish, 2 Nov 1678, RB6/9, p. 497:
Brother Edward Sandiford; daughter- in- law Catherine Storey; Xtrs - wife Ruth
Sandiford, brother Capt. Williaim Sandiford, bro Lt. Charles Sandiford, and
brother Ensign John Sandiford. Signed Thomas Sandiford. Wit: Will:
Forster, James Ball, Joseph Morris, Richard Matthew. Proved 8 Aug
Sandiford, John Gent. [Vol.
2. p.312]
St. Andrews Parish, 12 Sept 1684, RB 6/41, p. 169
Sons Thomas Sandiford and William Sandiford both at 18; bro Jno: Sandiford; the
issue brother Henry had by his wife he married in New England; my other; wife
Ann Sandiford and brothers William Sandiford, Charles Sandiford, Henry
Sandiford, and Edmond Sandiford -- Xtrs in trust. Signed John Sandeford.
Wit: Richard Edwards, James Roper, Isaac Ishmod, Anthony Perryman, John Gofrasey
Proved 12 July 1789.
Sandiford, Ruth [Vol.
2, p. 312]
St. Andrews Parish, 9 Dec 1693, RB6/2, p. 99
Grand son John Read, son of Phillips Read of St. Andrews; grand daughter Mary
Read, the daughter of said Phillip; friend Agnes Beresford; Elizabeth Beressford
widow; grand daughter Marchh Read at 16; grand son John Stein at 21; friends
Capt. Charles Sandiford, Thomas Beresford, and Samuel ____ - Xtrs. Signed
Ruth (X) Sandford. Wit: Capt. Will: Bailey, Bennett Ross
Memo, kinsman Capt. John Hill and kinswoman Martha Turvill.
Proved 19 Mar 1693/4
Sandiford, Thomas [p.
St. Andrews Parish, 25 Aug 1711, RB6/7, p. 183.
Intending off this island for Great Britain for the recovery of my health.
My son, Charles Sandiford* at 21 -- my plantation, if Charles dies without
heirs, I give said ____ and stock to my 2 slaves and his heirs____ Katharine and
her heirs; daughter Katharine Sandiford* and Ann Sandiford* at 21 or marriage,
_____mothers's possession by reason of both their bros dying; my sister Margaret
Sandiford*; my mother Ann Sandiford widow and my brothers Hon. Alexander Walker,
Alexander Anderson Esq., William Walker Gent. Esq (sic), Col. Richard Sandiford,
and George Walker Esq -- Xtrs and Gdns of my children until sons Charles and
Thomas are 21; my sons Charles and Thomas Sandiford* -- Strs at 21. Signed
Thomas Sandiford
Wit: John Gran, Tho: Rollstone, Alexander Ross, Jos: Lindsey. Prove 16
___1713, Alexander Ross appeared.
Sandiford, Anne [Vol.
3, p. 298]
Widow, being sick and weak in body. St. Peters Parish, 14 Apr 1718, RB6/6,
p. 458.
Daughter Margaret Phillips, the wife of James Philips; my son Richard Sandiford
Esq and grandson Thomas Sandiford -- remainder of estate; son Richard Sandiford,
Hon. Alexander Walker, Alexander Anderson, Esq, James Phillips, and grandson
Charles Sandiford at 21 -- Xtrs. signed Anne Sandiford. Wit: Alexander
Ross Gent., James Bruce, Sarah Hill Cod, 30 Sep 1720, daughter Ann Anderson, the
wife of Alexander Anderson; daughter Elizabeth Jeeves, wife of William Jeeves;
Alexander Walker and son Richard Sandiford --Gdns to my grand daughters
Katherine Sandiford and Ann Sandiford and my grand son Thomas Sandiford all to
age 21. Wit: Alexander Ross Gent., William Patersone, Alexander:
Anderson. Proved 30 Mar 1721.
Sandiford, Anne, widow
[Vol. 3, p. 299]
St. Peters Parish, 14 Apr 1718, RB6/6, p. 184
My daughter Margaret Phillips, the wife of James Phillips; grand son Thomas
Sandiford at 21; son Richard Sandiford Esq., the Hon. Alexander Walker,
Alexander Anderson Esq., the said James Phillips, and grandson Charles Sandiford
-- Xtrs. Signed Ann Sandiford
Wit: Alexander Ross, James Brute, Sarah Hill
Proved 20 Mar 1721
Santford, Jacob [Vol.
3, p. 300]
25 Aug 1721, RB6/6, p. 362
Jacob of the city of New York, merchant, being sick and weak in body. My
brother and sisters: Cornelius Santford, Sertie (also spelled Lerlie) Bradford,
wife of William Bradford, Jr. to be paid in money of New York, Abraham Santford
Jr., and Anna Maria Santford to be paid in money of New York; father Abraham
Santford, Sr., Uncle Gerret Vanhorne, brother Cornelius Santford -- Xtrs. Signed
Jacob Santford; Wit: Elias Pelletieau (?) Jr., Gabn: Verpatana Jr., Martyn
Proved [p. 361], 22 Nov 1721 New York, Adm is granted to Abraham Santford, Sr.,
Garret Van horne, and Cornelius Santford, Is: Robin D: Secrey:, Recorded 16 Jan
1721 Barbados.
Sandiford, Richard Esq.[Vol.
3, p. 299]
St. Peters Parish, 16 Jan 1725, RB6/22, p. 564
Being weak in body. My daughters Margarett Sandiford, Elizabeth Sandiford,
Ann Sandiford, and Mary Sandiford all at 21 or marriage; wife Elizabeth
Sandiford and son Charles Sandiford at 21 -- Xtrs and Gdsn; friends Thomas
Merrick Esq., brothers-in-law William Jeeves and James Phillips, and nephew
Charles Sandiford -- Xtrs and Gdns if my wife dies or marries before my son is
21. Signed Richard Sandiford
Wit: Alexander Walker, Jr., Collin Campbell, W. Gibbons. Proved 17 Mar
Sandiford, William. [Vol.
3, p. 299]
27 Feb 1725, RB6/22, p. 555
Noted: "First part of this will missing in old book and original will
cannot be found."
(Will begins:) -- last will and testament and Gdns of the estates of my said
children during their minorities; and Xtrs in trust and Gdns aforesaid have
power to purchase land commonly called Pelham's land belonging to the estate
lately of Hon. Michael Terrill Esq decd for my son William Sandiford; son
William -- Xtr. Signed: William Sandiford
Memo, __in the presence of the words named Lucy between 18th and 19th lines.
Wit: Alexander: Jsphson, Charles Ball, John Wild
Proved 8 Mar 1725/6
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